Thursday, January 19, 2012

Chapter 14: Empires And Encounters

his chapter talks about the expansion of European empires.  Mainly due to the advantages they had.   For instance when it comes to the location, they were closer to unclaimed territory of the Americas then Asian countries.  The nation of Spain is well known for conquering ancient Mexico and the Aztecs when Hernan Cortes lead an expedition to the ancient city of Teotiachuan and caused the fall of the ancient civilization.  The Spanish mainly focused on Central America and the majority parts of Southern America.  While the English conquered the northern part of America and the East Coast.  The French gained the central part of modern day America.  And Portugal conquered what is now known as Brazil.  Most of these colonies farmed for sugar.  Other colonies like the British wanted to spread their religious beliefs and values to other nations, notably the Native Americans.  An interesting fact that many people don't know was that before Columbus, the Chinese sailed the seas and discovered America.  Not to mention that the Native Americans have lived there for most of their lives, Columbus was just a guy who found America dead last.    

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