Friday, March 23, 2012

Chapter 21

This chapter focuses more about current world history with the beginning of World War I.  The Triple Alliance which consisted of: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy and the Triple Entente: Britain, Russia, and France were created in order to keep Europe in balance, but eventually in 1914 war broke out.  The main factor that contributes to starting a war is nationalism where a nation likes to proclaim that it is better than the other nations and accompanying it is militarism where a nation has a lot of power when it comes weapons.  A nation with weapons is what causes fear.  At this time women began to have more rights with jobs since men were out fighting in the war.  In 1929 the Great Depression hit so hard and so many people were effected by it.  Only a few were privilged to live the good life while the rest were forced to live in poverty.  Because of the depression the rise of bottleging came along which was an illegal, but very easy way to make money and fast, like Al Capone for instance.  Also at this time Hitler was part of the Army for Germany and in time was arrested and during his time in person his thoughts created the infamous book known as Mein Kampf which translates to "My struggle" which showed extreme racism towards other races, mainly Jews stating that they are the source of evil and must be eliminated.  

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