Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Section 5 And 6

The section that I was interested the most was section 6 when it talked about the labor work force and how the catholic social teaching is trying to make conditions better for the farm workers.  This section got me thinking about the Bracereo Program that was initiated during World War II which brought citizens from Mexico to the US in order to work in the fields.  My grandpa was part of the program and that is how my family got to the US, because of my grandpa.  Labor unions were a good and bad thing, it was good because many people, mostly immigrants were able to make money and escape poverty.  It was bad due to the conditions, like during the bracero program there was a situation called operation wetback where Mexicans were brutally beaten were sent back to Mexico, even the ones who were born in the US. People need to be more thankful when it comes to labor workers since they are the ones who provide the little necessities that they have.

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