Friday, March 30, 2012

Chapter 22: Feminism and Communism Part 2

This last section really intrigued me because the term used to describe the problems between the United States and the Soviet Union(Russia) and that term is "The Cold War."  It is called that because it really wasn't a war it was more of a competition, mainly the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union.  The Soviet Union was the first nation to send a satellite into space, which caused American to be extremely scared and paranoid since Americans saw it as the Soviets becoming more advanced with their technology and they feared that the satellite was going to attack.  At that time things were more extreme than they are now.  The U.S. tried to out beat the Soviets by sending Apollo 11 to the moon.  The U.S. was the first nation to put man on the moon.  The other thing talked about was the Cuban Missile Crisis where at the time President Kennedy was in office when this event happened.  The way it happened was that U.S. jets flew over Cuba since it was their territory at the time and took survaillence photos of missiles being set up in Cuba with the Soviet logo on it.  This caused fear because a nuclear war could erupt with a simple push of a button by the Soviets and it was so close to the United States.  Kennedy decided that the U.S should make a blockade to prevent more missiles from coming in and it worked and the U.S. promised to remove their secret missiles that were located in Italy and Turkey as long as the Soviets got rid of theirs.  Crazy stuff

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