Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapter 17: Atlantic Revolutions And Their Echoes

The following chapter talks about the Atlantic Revolutions.  The Atlantic was very resourceful when it came to spreading ideas and cultural resource like: newspapers, books, and pamphlets.  Not to mention other ideas like: liberty, equality, free trade, religious tolerance, republicanism, and human rationality.  With these new ideas comes a lot of controversy since society does not like new ideas or thoughts.  The chapter discusses about the: American, French, Haitian, and Spanish American Revolution and what were the causes for each revolution.  During the American Revolution had a conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain.  The French Revolution on the other hand had a conflict within themselves where many were offended and one can image how violent it was.  The Haitians had a conflict with the French colony of Saint Domingue.  As for the Spanish American Revolution, it took place in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies.  Overall due to the revolutions, it was sort of like a path to a new world. 

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