Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chapter 18: Revolutions of Industrialization (pgs. 541-556)

The Industrial Revolution can be seen as a good thing, but at the same time a bad thing.  It was good that new inventions were being introduced like factories that had machines doing production work ten times faster than a single person.  The down side is that the use of new inventions can cause very serious and sometimes deadly results towards the user.  The continuation of Chapter 18 focuses on the expansion of the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe.  In the 1900's it was established in: The United States, Russia, etc.  American Industrialization began with the New England textiles, which exploded after the Civil War.  By 1914 the United States obviously became the world's largest power.  Due to the industrialization  social divisions rose where the gap between the rich and poor grew larger and larger were many were poor and a few were rich.  In Russia, the Industrial Revolution was launched in 1890's which focused on railroads where there were only a few factories than Western Europe, but they were big.  In 1917 the Russian Revolution broke out which brought in radical socialist groups led by Vladimir Lenin.  The Industrial Revolution in Russia led Russia into social revolution.  Though the Industrial Revolution brought different negative results for different nations, it helped societies like the United States to modernize and be more advance like today.        

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