Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chapter 17: Atlantic Revolutions And Their Echoes Part 3

The continuation of Chapter 17 talks about the Haitian Revolution.  The origins of Haiti was that before it was named Saint Domingue and eventually the name was changed to Haiti.  At the time it was considered the wealthiest country since it had 80,000 plantations which produced sugar and coffee.  The down side was that the population was made up of 500,000 slaves.  The white population of Haiti is 40,000.  Then there is a third group of mixed races and different backgrounds with a population of 30,000.  The country was very diverse with different races.  Another thing that happened during this time period was the revolt of the Spanish and the Americas and the revolutions took place in: North America, France, and Haiti.  The revolutions started due to people insulting each other.  A good thing that cam about was the feminist movement for the rights of women who never spoke about different issues, and now they were.

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