Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chapter 18: Industrial Revolution

The following chapter talks about the Industrial Revolution which took place within 1750-1900.  The Industrial Revolution took place in Western Europe, but mostly in Britain.  More importantly the concept and idea of the Scientific Revolution was brought to life which gave people a different perspective on life and it's creation.  Also because new types of theories and inventions.  There were a lot of inventions being created.  For example the coal fire steam engine was created and later on petroleum engines were created.  The inventions were more energy efficient.  Energy was the big factor needed to create these types of inventions.  The British and the Europeans built a lot of energy efficient inventions, one of them being the steam engine which was used in transportation vehicles like boats and ships.  Also the Industrial Revolution began to focus more on new concepts like: steel, steamships, railroads, food processors, and electricity.  The world was starting to modernize.

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